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Testimonials from Nurses just like you!

Hear from seasoned nurses and new grads alike!

Be Well with Nell gives you the support you need so you can reclaim your work life balance and well-being and never lose sight of why you went into nursing in the first place. 

Allison B. 24, TN
New Graduate Nurse

She also taught me ways to control my anxiety and build confidence at work, which as a new grad nurse is invaluable. 

 Before receiving coaching from Nell, I was struggling with confidence and becoming overwhelmed at work. I also had crazy blood sugars with no clue of healthy food options that would work with my super busy schedule. 


Nell was so great to work with! She was able to provide structure when I was struggling to create it myself. She asked very deliberate questions that really made me think. Nell led me to realize that I am more in control of my blood sugar than I ever thought. She has a lot of food knowledge and several references to great new, food related information. She also taught me ways to control my anxiety and build confidence at work, which as a new grad nurse is invaluable. 


I am so so glad that I was able to work with Nell, and I would definitely recommend others to work with her as well- especially to new grad nurses and those with food or anxiety related goals. 

 J.S. 24
New Graduate Nurse

 I was still learning how to balance many different factors in my life such as stress, eating a well-balanced diet, maintaining a social life on top of learning to be a new nurse within my first year of nursing. I was becoming very overwhelmed inside and outside of work and had no idea how to juggle the stressors that I was dealing with.


I loved how each session I felt that I was in full control and Nell was always there to listen and help guide me in the direction of coaching that best fit me. 


After my final coaching session with Nell, I felt that I had much more confidence in myself and my abilities to overcome stress and anxiety within my career and outside of work. Nell provided me with many tools that I will be able to utilize long-term, and I am so excited to begin using these to begin a new and refreshing lifestyle best fit for me. I would recommend Nell to especially new nurses within their first year as well as nurses who have been in the field for a long time because she does such a great job individualizing her coaching to meet all your current needs.

I loved how each session I felt that I was in full control and Nell was always there to listen and help guide me in the direction of coaching that best fit me. 

Nell reframed my idea of exercise by taking my mind away from going to the gym and weightlifting to something fun like playing Just Dance with my kids or walking our dog. 

Seasoned Nurse

Nell always allowed me to be in control about how I thought I would most likely succeed. Setting specific and measurable goals each week allowed me to truly focus on the areas I wanted to improve upon in my life for myself and my family.


Since Coaching, I have been able to plan out and prepare meals ahead of time for breakfast and lunch at home as well as for work lunches. The meals I have been creating are healthier than take out and anything that I would have made at home before having the resources Nell provided to me. 


Nell reframed my idea of exercise by taking my mind away from going to the gym and weightlifting to something fun like playing Just Dance with my kids or walking our dog.


I am excited to see how the steps I have begun taking are going to improve my happiness and quality of life for me and my family.

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Testimonials from people who work outside of healthcare!

What else do people have to say?

Be Well with Nell offers well-rounded coaching suitable for any individual looking to implement positive change in their life. 

 B.G. TN
Graduate Student

Before I began coaching with Nell, I was struggling to make it through the day-to-day stress of work, school, health, and relationships. I found myself observing all of the ways that I had lost intentionality throughout my life, and I felt overwhelmed.


Through the time I spent discussing these things with Nell, I began to form goals around spiritual growth, intentionality in relationships, and in my athletic routines. The greatest benefit I experienced throughout this process was that I got to see how impactful small changes can be on your outlook.


Nell does a wonderful job at showing up with unconditional positive regard, and she really makes you feel seen and validated through your work. I would recommend coaching with Nell to anyone looking for someone to walk with you as you work to revitalize their daily routines into a process of fuller, more intentional living.

The greatest benefit I experienced throughout this process was that I got to see how impactful small changes can be on your outlook

Graduate Student

it's like talking to a trusted friend. She's very confident and knowledgable, but she's also very human and she'll empathise with you when she knows exactly how you feel. 

I had wanted to try a more sustainable, plant-based lifestyle for a while but I had come across many obstacles and I didn't know why I couldn't sustain a good, balanced diet. I asked Nell for appointments to ask for some advice, but I came out with the tools to not only eat healthier, but also live a happier and more balanced life. I learnt that I often put too much pressure and expectation on myself, and didn't take enough time to rest and relax, and Nell suggested different techniques to be easier on myself and fulfil my dreams.


Nell's appointments are very relaxed - it's like talking to a trusted friend. She's very confident and knowledgable, but she's also very human and she'll empathise with you when she knows exactly how you feel. She makes sure that our weekly goals are sustainable and achievable, and that they're things that you want to work on. She's acutely aware of making a space where you feel safe to be and share yourself.


Nell's coaching is holistic. She focuses on what's important - your wellbeing as an individual and within your community. It means looking at every aspect of your life and asking if it fulfills you, if it's something that makes you happy, or if it's healthy and helping you achieve a goal or dream of yours. But the best thing is that you already know how to achieve these things - you just need someone like Nell to talk to and to realise that potential. She just helps, and she loves to do that.

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